Methods and tools for the development of the competence of personnel in Kazakhstan.


  • A.M. Dzhulaeva Al-Farabi Kazakh national University
  • A.S. Marzhanova
        55 45


development of personnel competence, competence de-velopment methods, tools, competence development, competency model.


The current volatile market environment requires organizations to a qualitatively new level of implementation practices. Successful organiza-tions create new knowledge, skills, abilities, transfer them within the com-pany and quickly update the range of goods and services. Competence of the personnel has become a strategic factor for the development of the organization. The process of staff development should be ongoing. There-fore, the managers of all levels of management faced with the task of form-ing learning organizations, able to use the knowledge and experience in their work. The purpose of this article - to consider a variety of methods and tools for the development of the competence of personnel.


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How to Cite

Dzhulaeva, A., & Marzhanova, A. (2016). Methods and tools for the development of the competence of personnel in Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 108(2). Retrieved from