The need to segment the market for medical services


  • M. Zh. Tursumbaeva Қ.И. Сəтбаев атындағы Қазақ ұлттық техникалық университеті,
  • G. K. Zhaksugulova Əл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті,
  • R. A. Malaeva Қ.И. Сəтбаев атындағы Қазақ ұлттық техникалық университеті,
        119 521


health care, marketing, segmentation, medical organizations, medical services, market,


Valuable marketing tool, used to improve the performance of health care organizations that are market segmentation. It will help you determine which health services should be available, how much, what groups of patients in need, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the organization in relation to its competitors. The proposed approach is basic health allows segmentation within the designated areas to conduct further research to study the demand for certain types of health services in each of the segments, the size, growth and attractive segment of the market's health by objective criteria, using traditional health statistics, intelligently correlating the economic characteristics of a marketing relationship doctor and patient.


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How to Cite

Tursumbaeva, M. Z., Zhaksugulova, G. K., & Malaeva, R. A. (2015). The need to segment the market for medical services. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 96(2), 28–33. Retrieved from