Improving strategic marketing planning in the formation of development priorities for monotowns in the Republic of Kazakhstan


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The importance of the research is highlighted by the special role of monotowns, which are closely monitored by the government as they face growing socio-economic issues while also playing a crucial role in the country's economy. This article aims to develop and test a methodological approach to strategic marketing planning for establishing development priorities for monotowns in Kazakhstan. The study presents monotowns analyzed over different periods: 27, 20 and 9 monotowns of Kazakhstan. Current and future priorities for 9 monotowns are defined based on available statistical socio-economic indicators grouped by areas of territorial marketing. The research objectives include developing a methodological approach to strategic marketing planning, conducting typology, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of monotown development, creating a simulation modeling tool for socio-economic development using artificial intelligence technology, and determing strategic priorities development of monotowns. Data collection, processing, and analysis methods include content, comparative, factor, and cluster analysis, typology, and artificial intelligence modeling methods (supervised learning, error correction, BFGS optimization). The STATISTICA software version 13 was utilized for data analysis and forecasting. The results indicate that the strategic marketing planning tools developed are useful for establishing scientifically grounded development priorities for monotowns in Kazakhstan. This research is beneficial for government bodies aiming to devise socio-economic development strategies for monotowns.

Key words: monotown, strategic marketing planning, typology, development priorities, factor analysis, cluster analysis, simulation modeling.

Author Biographies

Zh.T. Kozhamkulova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty с., Kazakhstan

candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Business-Technologies, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan, е-mail:

M.G. Krayushkin, Altai State University, Barnaul с., Russia

senior lecturer, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia, е-mail:

N.A. Tovma, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty с., Kazakhstan

 candidate of economic sciences, PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of Business-Technologies, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan, е-mail:

N.B. Shurenov, RMIT University, Melbourne с., Australia

(corresponding author), PhD candidate, the holder of “500 scholars” scientific internship program, senior lecturer of the Department of Business-Technologies, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan, е-mail:, visiting professor, RMIT university (Melbourne, Australia, е-mail:


How to Cite

Kozhamkulova, Z. ., Krayushkin, M. ., Tovma, N. ., & Shurenov, N. . (2024). Improving strategic marketing planning in the formation of development priorities for monotowns in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 149(3), 87–106.