The effect of using promotion programs on export performance with mediating of management, s understanding of environment and commitmen


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The aim of this study was the effect of using promotion programs on export performance with the mediating of management perception of the environment, and export commitment with considering export knowledge and strategy in tile export companies in Yazd province. Research method in terms of purpose, applied; Depending on the method of data collection or the nature and method of research, it was descriptive-survey. The statistical population in this study included all employees of the export department of tile export companies in Yazd province, 325 people, who were selected as a sample size using a simple random sampling method and Cochran's formula. In this study, the standard export marketing questionnaire of Shamsuddoha and Yunus Ali was used. In order to measure the validity of content and structure validity and in order to measure the reliability, Cronbach's alpha coefficient and combined reliability coefficient were used. The obtained coefficients showed the validity and appropriate reliability of the instrument. The research data were analyzed in two parts: descriptive (mean, standard deviation, table, figure and graph) and inferential (structural equation modeling) using Amos software. The results showed that the use of export promotion program has an effect on export knowledge (0.33) and export performance (0.55). Export knowledge affects management's understanding of the export environment (0.48), export commitment (0.76) and export strategy (0.36). Management perception of the export environment affects the export strategy (0.82). Export commitment affects export strategy (0.20) and export performance (0.63). Also, export strategy affects export performance (0.52).

Key words: promotion programs, export performance, management understanding, export knowledge, export commitment, export strategy.

Author Biographies

R. Sanavi Fard, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty с., Kazakhstan

 PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of International Business, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages (Almaty, Kazakhstan, е-mail:

E. Haji Hosseini, Islamic Azad University, Qom с., Iran

PhD in Marketing Management; Department of Business Management, Qom Branch-Islamic Azad University (Qom, Iran, email:


How to Cite

Sanavi Fard, R. ., & Haji Hosseini, E. . (2024). The effect of using promotion programs on export performance with mediating of management, s understanding of environment and commitmen. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 150(4), 3–15.