Factor analysis of elements of construction products cost



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The article deals with the topic of factor analysis of the cost of production and its elements. One of
the main conditions for obtaining reliable information about the cost of production is a clear definition
of the composition of production costs. The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that at the moment
enterprises are forced to pay more attention to the cost of production in the system of indicators that
characterize the efficiency of production and sales.
The methodological basis of the research was the fundamental research of foreign and Kazakh researchers
in this field, as well as regulations and statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reporting indicators
and other documents of the company under study.
The main result of this study is to identify the efficiency of production by applying factor analysis.
The method of chain substitutions established the cost items, the impact of which was the greatest on the
effective indicator – the cost of construction products of the company under study.
As a result of the research, recommendations for reducing the cost of production were proposed for
the analyzed company. In general, the analyzed company should try to reduce its costs as much as possible.
In the course of the factor analysis, ways to reduce the cost of production were proposed.
In conclusion, the authors conclude that the demand for specialists in construction today far exceeds
the supply on the labor exchange, and as a result, construction companies are forced to settle for lowskilled
workers. The lack of professional staff in the industry leads to a number of problems. This includes
the absence of estimated documentation for construction projects, low average monthly wages, delays in the delivery of objects, a decrease in the quality of work performed: the presence of a large number
of marriages, forced overspending of materials, etc.


How to Cite

Yerdavletova, F., Doszhan, R., & Nurmagambetova, A. (2020). Factor analysis of elements of construction products cost. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 133(3), 15–26. https://doi.org/10.26577/be.2020.v133.i3.02