The problems of the modern world monetary system
Ключевые слова:
world monetary system, Jamaican currency system, problems of reformation, instability of monetary system.Аннотация
The global monetary system has evolved in several successive stages. Each of them is characterized first of all by a definite form of global reserve assets. These reserve assets provide the turnover of all world trade and are a universal means of payment, savings and measure of value. At different stages of the functioning of the world monetary system the role of money carried gold and national currencies of some developed countries of the West. These currencies were recognized as a standby, because monetary gold reserves of the world were nominated in them. Moreover, the value of international contracts is determined with the use of reserve currencies, Reserve currencies are the tool of currency interventions and the basis of monetary and exchange rate policies of many countries. [1] Modern monetary system is characterized by instability of the exchange rate of the main reserve currency – the US dollar.Библиографические ссылки
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2014. – № 1. – S. 246-250
3 Krasavina L.N. Tendentsii i perspektivy reformy mirovoi valiutnoi sistemy//Vek globalizatsii. – 2011. – №1. – S.29-43
4 Krasavina L.N. Kontseptual’nye podkhody k reformirovaniiu mirovoi valiutnoi sistemy//Den’gi i kredit. – 2010. – №5. –
5 Press-reliz № 15/543 (R) 1 dekabria 2015 goda. Mezhdunarodnyi Valiutnyi Fond
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7 Nathan, K. Lewis. Gold: The Once and Future Money / K. Lewis Nathan. – Hoboken, N. J.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2007.
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– T. 19. – № 1. – S. 128–157.
2 Anishchenko A.V. Evoliutsiia mirovykh standartov deneg, i problema ustoichivosti mery stoimosti//Biznes v zakone. –
2014. – № 1. – S. 246-250
3 Krasavina L.N. Tendentsii i perspektivy reformy mirovoi valiutnoi sistemy//Vek globalizatsii. – 2011. – №1. – S.29-43
4 Krasavina L.N. Kontseptual’nye podkhody k reformirovaniiu mirovoi valiutnoi sistemy//Den’gi i kredit. – 2010. – №5. –
5 Press-reliz № 15/543 (R) 1 dekabria 2015 goda. Mezhdunarodnyi Valiutnyi Fond
6 Ishkhanov A.V. V poiskakh novogo mirovogo valiutnogo standarta//Vestnik Volgograd. gos. univer-ta. Ser.3 Ekon. Ekol.
2014. – №5. – s.118-127
7 Nathan, K. Lewis. Gold: The Once and Future Money / K. Lewis Nathan. – Hoboken, N. J.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2007.
– 466 p
8 Arkhipov A.Iu. Novyi mirovoi valiutnyi standart: poiski i perspektivy//Voprosy regulirovaniia ekonomiki. – 2013. – Tom
4. – №4. – s.73-84
9 Espaev S.S. «Mirovaia valiuta: Standarty, problemy i puti reformirovaniia»//[Elektronnyi resurs]
view/1037 (21.02.2016)
10 Saprykina V.Iu. Finansovaia globalizatsiia i reformirovanie mirovoi valiutno-finansovoi sistemy// Nauchnyi vestnik IuIM.
– 2014. – №1. – s.77-81
11 Espaev S.S. «Zazemlenie global’noi valiutnoi sistemy»//[Elektronnyi resurs]
12 Doklad o torgovle i razvitii OON. 2009 g.
13 Nazarbaev N. «Piatyi put’. Istoki krizisa i puti ego lecheniia»//[Elektronnyi resurs]
14 Redina Iu.N. Valiutnaia regionalizatsiia v usloviiakh transformatsii mirovoi valiutnoi sistemy//Avtoreferat dissertatsii na
soiskanie uchenoi stepeni kandidata ekonomicheskikh nauk. Sankt-Peterburg 2015 g.
Как цитировать
Dauliyeva Kalmakova, G. D. R. T. (2016). The problems of the modern world monetary system. Вестник КазНУ. Серия Экономическая, 116(4/2). извлечено от
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