Assessment of risks of investment projects


  • A. M. Baydildina Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        224 1149


investment, project, assessment, efficiency, risk, uncertainty, discounting, payback,


It is considered in this article the problem of risk and vagueness calculation by taking a decision of investing. For this it is carried out the detailed comparative analysis of existing methods of invest projects risk and possible ways of overcoming of their deficiencies are examined. The investment project is developed, being based on quite certain assumptions of rather capital and current expenditure, volumes of realization of made production, goods prices, a temporary framework of the project. Regardless of quality and the validity of these assumptions future succession of events connected with implementation of the project, always is ambiguous. It is the main axiom of any business activity. In this regard practice of investment design considers among other, aspects of uncertainty and risk. The complete elimination of uncertainty, i.e. creation of unambiguous conditions of course of business is as desirable for each businessman, so and impossible.


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How to Cite

Baydildina, A. M. (2015). Assessment of risks of investment projects. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 97(3), 16–24. Retrieved from