On the question of the implementation of innovative projects and construction of new plants: marketing approach


  • S. S. Satybaldy
  • K. S. Sakibaeva
        39 57


demand, supply, industrial market, product positioning, the break-even volume


Kazakhstan, which is a variety of ore deposits of various metals, coal and oil, there is ample opportunity to build new factories for their process­ ing and production of finished products. In a market economy, capacity of the new plant must be determined on the basis of the volume of demand from the domestic and overseas markets. It is known that the construction of the new plant were guided by the presence of silicon metal demand for it, but the real study of foreign markets and demand from their side was carried out. Lack of marketing support of a feasibility study of the project and new construction, as well as other shortcomings of the objective and the subjective nature of the an­ nouncement of the project from the beginning to the end of its implemen­ tation has led to the brink of bankruptcy factory. The technique of market­ ing support, including SWOT- and STEP-analyzes, feasibility studies of the projects in the space of a marketing system under construction enterprise.


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How to Cite

Satybaldy, S. S., & Sakibaeva, K. S. (2016). On the question of the implementation of innovative projects and construction of new plants: marketing approach. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 107(1). Retrieved from https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/903