Tax accounting under IFRS accounting


  • S Baimukhanova Каза­хс­кий­ националь­ный­ уни­верси­тет­ имени­ аль-Фара­би
  • M Sultanbekova
        80 84


tax accounting, accounting, international financial report­ ing standards(IFRS), conflict situations, the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taxes, the tax authorities, Forums balance, stocks, fixed assets.


Until recently, many countries are making efforts to not share com­ pletely the tax and accounting. As a rule, it was a way to search for com­ promises-where you can forgo fiscal interests, and where you can prevent deformation of the financial statements. Changes in the economy and development of market relations in Ka­ zakhstan dictate the use of conventional and under stand able world ap­ proach to financial reporting. IFRS implementation facilitates the transition of the Kazakh economy to a qualitatively new level of development, when the core values becomes a favorable investment climate, transparency in financial reporting, transparency, reliability of financial position and re­ sults of operations. The increasing use of IFRS is particularly acute conflict marked the accounting and taxation, as IFRS does not allow any compro­ mises with taxation.


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4 Между­­на­род­ный стандарт­ фи­нансо­­вой отчет­­нос­ти (IAS) 1 «Представ­­ле­ние финан­­со­вой отчет­­нос­ти», 2013 г.

5 Кодекс­ Респуб­ли­ки­ Каза­хс­тан­ «О нало­гах­ и других­ обяза­тель­ных­ плате­жах­ в бюджет­» (Нало­го­вый­ кодекс­ с изме­не­­ ниями и допол­не­ниями­ по состоя­нию­ на 01.01.2014 г.).

6 Между­на­род­ный­ стандарт­ фи­нансо­вой­ отчет­нос­ти­ (IAS) 2 «Запа­сы­», 2013 г.

7 Между­­на­род­ный стандарт­ фи­нансо­­вой отчет­­нос­ти (IAS) 16 «Ос­новные­ средства­», 2013 г


How to Cite

Baimukhanova, S., & Sultanbekova, M. (2016). Tax accounting under IFRS accounting. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 107(1). Retrieved from