Principles of Corporate Governance


  • G Zhunysova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        67 50


corporate management, shareholders, investors


Corporate relations revived in Kazakhstan recently. We have not yet accumulated its own experience in managing joint-stock companies, solve problems related to differences in the interests of owners and managers, minority and majority shareholders, the protection of property rights and shareholders as a whole. You can certainly take advantage of other people’s experiences, simply copying approaches and positions that we offer recommendations to the international community for Corporate Governance. But for all those simi­ larities that dictates shareholder ownership companies in the world, there are significant differences that must be considered. Principles of Corporate Governance of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) define corporate governance as the distribution of rights and responsibilities among the various compo­ nents of corporate devices – board, administrative staff, shareholders and other stakeholders – and defines the rules and procedures of decision-making. Due to this, a system of determining the goals and objectives of the corporation, means of implementation of tasks and tracking perfor­ mance.


1 OECD principles of corporate governance. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. – May, 1999. – 25 с.

2 Корпо­­ра­тив­ное уп­равле­­ние: каза­­хс­танс­кий контекст­: учебное­ посо­­бие / под общ. ред. С.А. Фи­лина­. ТОО «Инсти­­тут
Дирек­­то­ров», 2009 г.

3 Закон­ Респуб­­ли­ки Каза­­хс­тан от 13 мая 2003 года­ № 415-II «Об акционер­­ных обще­­ст­вах».


How to Cite

Zhunysova, G. (2016). Principles of Corporate Governance. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 107(1). Retrieved from