Modeling of interregional migration in Kazakhstan


  • O. V. Bordoussov
  • M. A. Zholamanova
        48 41


interregional migration, the gravity model, panel data, fixed effects.


Modeling of interregional migration processes is leading direction for economic research. The push-pull theory of migration factors is one of the main theories of interregional migration. In each region can be identified factors which retaining population in a given territory (neutral factors), pro­ pelling (push-factors) or attracting (pull-factors) them. Simultaneously with these factors, also have various other circumstances (third group of factors) that act as a limitation of migration flows (intermediate barriers such as trans­ portation costs, legislative restrictions on movement, lack of information about the possible region of arrival, etc.). In addition, there are still personal subjective factors affecting the acceleration or deceleration of migration be­ cause of unequal propensity to migration. An extended version of the gravity model in the specification of I. Etzo estimated at the article based on panel data of Kazakhstan for 1999-2012 years. Also are shown the main trends of interregional migration in Kazakhstan and discusses the econometric estima­ tion aspects of gravity models of interregional migration.


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How to Cite

Bordoussov, O. V., & Zholamanova, M. A. (2016). Modeling of interregional migration in Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 107(1). Retrieved from