A comparative analysis of approaches and methods of banking sector restructuring


  • О. Ш. Туменбаева Казахский экономический университет им. Турара Рыскулова
        43 64


restructuring, centralized bank restructuring, decentralized bank restructuring, banking sector, NonPerforming Loans,


This article presents the results of a scientific study aimed at analysis and comparison of the two approaches to restructuring and rehabilitation of the banking sector. In addition,it highlighted methods for bank restructuring, the use of which increase the efficiency of the restructuring of the banking and corporate sectors. The study found that a decentralized approach to the restructuring of the banking sector reduces the burden on the government (taxpayers) and increases the responsibility of the bank’s management for their decisions and their consequences. At the same time, the use of a centralized approach to the restructuring of the banking sector may be appropriate in cases where there is government guarantees of foreign debt in foreign currency and in the presence of outstanding non-performing loans to large state-owned enterprises. Thus, important reforms in the banking sector cannot be based only on a single decision; you need to skillfully combine different methods and approaches


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How to Cite

Туменбаева, О. Ш. (2015). A comparative analysis of approaches and methods of banking sector restructuring. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 100(6), 108–114. Retrieved from https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/546