Theoretical basis of knowledge management in the enterprise


  • D. K. Amirbekova Казахстанско-Британский технический университет
  • G. Zh. Tayauova Международная Академия Бизнеса
        49 87


knowledge, knowledge management, knowledge management model, SECI model, typology of knowledge capabilities,


Theoretical peculiarities of knowledge management and basic theoretical model of knowledge management and typology of knowledge capabilities are considered in this articles. In current conditions the role of knowledge is a key for company’s development. Company’s ability to react for changes in external environment caused by its ability to adapt internal resources including knowledge. Organizational knowledge become an essential element of strategic development and knowledge management is crucial for achievement of competitive advantage and sustainable development. Essential theories presented in the article explain the essence of knowledge, types of knowledge, peculiarities of knowledge creation in organization. Development and application of knowledge are important elements of knowledge management because of the processes which exist in organization and have an influence on company’s ability to manage knowledge in changing conditions of external environment


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How to Cite

Amirbekova, D. K., & Tayauova, G. Z. (2015). Theoretical basis of knowledge management in the enterprise. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 100(6), 73–79. Retrieved from