The comparative analysis of formation and realization investment strategy of the oil and gas enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • B. S. Salpec PhD докторант Казахского экономического университета им. Т. Рыскулова.
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investments, strategic management, oil and gas sector,


The innovative way of development of the branch, defined within GPFIIR as the general direction, assumes need of activization of investment activity of the oil and gas enterprises that, in turn, predetermines importance of formation and realization of investment strategy. However lack of researches in the field of management of investment development of the oil and gas enterprises which would consider system influence of investments is one of the major factors, essentially constraining increase of efficiency of functioning of the oil and gas enterprises.


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5 при написании статьи раздела использовались материалы сайта, а также результаты проведенного глубинного интервью

6 при написании статьи раздела использовались материалы сайта, а также результаты проведенного глубин-
ного интервью


How to Cite

Salpec, B. S. (2015). The comparative analysis of formation and realization investment strategy of the oil and gas enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 101(1), 126–133. Retrieved from