The Impact of Human Capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the National Economic Competitiveness


  • I. V. Onyusheva Университет Международного Бизнеса
        65 102


human capital, Spearman index, Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), human development index, education, innovation potential, Global Innovation Index (GII),


In the contemporary economic conditions human capital is considered as a complex intense factor developing economy and society which affects the level of national competitiveness and includes a set of knowledge and skills of human resources accumulated through educational, scientific, cultural, innovative and personal human potential capable ensure the welfare of the nation, economic stability, growth and a high rating of the country in the international economic environment. The interconnection between human capital and the level of competitiveness of the national economy is determined by the directly proportional dependence and interference: a high level of human capital promotes competitiveness, which, in turn, causes the process of further human development. In contrast, a low level of human capital leads to lower growth rates which greatly undermines the prospects for improving the competitiveness in the future. The article clearly justified by the impact of human capital on the country’s level of competitiveness, as evidenced by established dependence of the level of competitiveness of the country and human development. In particular, we consider the dependence of the country’s competitiveness and individual factors that form human capital including the level of gross national income, life expectancy, primary and higher education, labor market efficiency, innovation potential. Thus, in the context of economic modernization aimed at creating a knowledge-based economy, higher education and innovation potential of the country and the radical transformation of human capital has become one of the major challenges facing the state. The effectiveness of the solution of this issue depends largely on the dynamics of further reforms in the country, the welfare of the people and the overall stability in the state.


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How to Cite

Onyusheva, I. V. (2015). The Impact of Human Capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the National Economic Competitiveness. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 106(6), 101–107. Retrieved from