Government regulaition in education


  • M. Tulegenova Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
  • Z. Valikhanova Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
        58 32


government regulation, education in the context of sustainable human development, training, interdisciplinary competences, lack of highly qualified teachers,


The world economy after a short period of some stabilization is experiencing a new phase of the protracted cyclical economic crisis, the depth of which is expected to be accompanied by a global structural changes. The competition of countries in these circumstances sets stricter requirements to the economic behavior of market participants at all levels, mega-, macro- and microeconomics. The complexity of problems increases and their solution requires multilateral knowledge and competencies of managers and employees. A special role in these circumstances is given to economic education as the economy is the basis of society. Since the liberalization of the higher education system has exhausted its possibilities, the role of the government in regulation of its key areas is growing


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5 Резолюция международной конференции «Новая парадигма устойчивого человеческого развития. G-global – формат глобального диалога». Алматы, 5-7 ноября 2014 года.


How to Cite

Tulegenova, M., & Valikhanova, Z. (2015). Government regulaition in education. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 106(6), 8–12. Retrieved from