Development and deployment of system of the balanced indicators in the enterprises of the energy sector in Kazakhstan


  • R. Zh. Olzhabayeva Казахский экономический университет имени Т. Рыскулова, Казахстан
        58 62


Power branch, introductions of system of the balanced indicators, development of strategic objectives, development of strategy,


The Kazakhstan power branch is in a condition of radical reforming. To hold the positions in the market, the power companies need to increase the investment appeal and to reduce expenses (first of all costs of fuel, service and equipment repair). Decrease in expenses in most cases demands application of modern technologies. New administrative and information technologies which will allow the companies to achieve transparency and management efficiency are also necessary for increase of investment appeal. Radical reforming of the Kazakhstan power branch proceeds. For the power enterprises is particularly acute a question of increase of investment appeal and decrease in expenses (first of all costs of fuel, service and equipment repair). We consider that new administrative and information technologies which will allow the companies to achieve transparency and management efficiency are also necessary for increase of investment appeal.


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How to Cite

Olzhabayeva, R. Z. (2015). Development and deployment of system of the balanced indicators in the enterprises of the energy sector in Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 101(1), 111–115. Retrieved from