Analisys of services sphere of Kazakhstan


  • A. Zh. Battalov Казахский национальный технический университет имени К.И. Сатпаева
        42 1078


services, classifi cation of services, types of services, services market analysis,


Since the last quarter of the past century, global society has become transforming into a post-industrial society, the most important feature of which is the dominance of the service sphere. Despite the fact that almost 20% of world trade is international trade in services, the processes taking place in this area have not been studied enough. This article discusses the defi nition of services and the existing classifi cation on the date. The classifi cation of services in Kazakhstan has been carried out, according to the classifi cation of the World Trade Association, the International Standard Industrial Classifi cation and the classifi cation of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Analysis of the service market in the Republic of Kazakhstan has been performed by service types and by regions, in absolute and relative volume of the provided services. The graphs illustrating the results were constructed.


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