The theoretical aspects and principles of creation and functioning social-entrepreneurial corporations.


  • G. U. Talimova Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
        60 83


socio-entrepreneurial сorporation (SЕC), «entrepreneurship», «sociality», «social entrepreneurship», enterprise, corporation, financial resources, assets, subsurface resources, development of non-extractive sectors, social Fund,


Success of macroeconomic reforms implemented to date in Kazakhstan, created favorable conditions for a shift of focus on regional development policy as an important and promising tool to improve the overall level of socialeconomic development of the country whose potential still has not been used to the full. Thus, according to this message, President NursultanNazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan (March, 2006), as a result of the search for new tools for development of non-primary sectors, more adapted to the conditions prevailing in Kazakhstan, with an emphasis on regional development appeared social-entrepreneurial corporations (SEC). Socio-entrepreneurial corporationsvirtuallyrelegated to the roleof the basic mechanismto ensurea breakthrougheconomic and socialdevelopment of the country, until the occurrenceof the 30 mostdeveloped countriesof the world


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How to Cite

Talimova, G. U. (2015). The theoretical aspects and principles of creation and functioning social-entrepreneurial corporations. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 103(3), 140–146. Retrieved from