Blockchain in accounting in the digital economy


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The article examines the changes taking place in accounting in the context of the development of digital technologies, justifies the need for economic entities to search for new technologies aimed at the formation of competitive advantages. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze the possibilities and conditions for the effective use of blockchain technology in accounting. Practical significance of the work: It is proposed to introduce cloud and blockchain technologies in the field of accounting to increase its efficiency and prevent errors. The structure of these technologies, the basic principles of operation are described, as well as the advantages and disadvantages are analyzed.

The research methodology is based on a theoretical review, study and analysis of foreign and Kazakh experience in implementing pilot blockchain projects. To identify the factors of the internal and external environment that affect the development of blockchain technology in accounting, a SWOT analysis is presented. Separate regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating digital technologies have also been studied. A sociological survey was conducted on the implementation of blockchain for accounting. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that there are both opportunities and obstacles for the introduction of this technology in the accounting of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The idea of blockchain is that it is a public register that uses a peer-to-peer approach to form a chronological database of transactions using the "append" approach, which allows you to preserve the immutability of distributed information.

Keywords: blockchain, digital economy, digitalization, accounting, information technology.


How to Cite

Kupenova Z. К., Baymukhanova, S. B., & Isaeva А. А. (2022). Blockchain in accounting in the digital economy. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 142(4), 104–111.