Development of strategic planning in the financial policy of the commercial banks of Kazakhstan


  • L., S. A., E. Bimendyeva, Dautova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
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commercial bank, quality of strategic planning, banking market, verification of banking products and services, employees of the bank, strategic planning, distinctive characteristics, level of activity, profitability of banks.


The effectiveness of the commercial bank , as the subject of the financial market , satisfying the needs of the economy , largely dependent on the quality of strategic planning. Under current conditions in the banking market competition is not only subjected to verification of banking products and services , but also the process – strategic planning , the ability of managers and employees of the bank to implement the strategy. Features of the Strategic Planning Kazakhstan banks are selected by banks in strategic areas on which they depend for their performance indicators in the future. In turn, the strategic direction of the goals and objectives depends on their distinctive characteristics in the area of services, market coverage, and their size. If commercial banks are split into groups according to their specialization, in the context of the size of the main indicators, level of activity, it becomes clear from which strategic goals and objectives they expect the relevant performance indicators. In the difficult conditions of different banks have to choose different development strategies that affect the profitability of banks.


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How to Cite

Bimendyeva, Dautova, L. S. A. E. (2016). Development of strategic planning in the financial policy of the commercial banks of Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 113(1/2). Retrieved from