Мarketing of fashion industry in Kazakhstan


  • Z. M. Мussakhanova Университет Нархоз,
        136 75


marketing, fashion industry, brand, light industry, design.


The point of this article is to make a research in fashion marketing, to
set a marketing strategy, to highlight problems and ways to solve them. The
article is dedicated to fashion brands marketing development and condition
of Kazakhstan light industry. It is also designated main causes of the crisis:
seamless flow of imported goods, high inflation, non developed tax system,
the destruction of an established system of centralized procurement and distribution
of raw materials, sales of finished products. Prior to 2009, exports
exceeded imports in Kazakh fashion industry. This is due to a decrease in
demand for these products due to the global economic crisis. Also it shows
specific points of fashion brands and discovers the meaning of fashion marketing.
Author tells about evolution of designer trademark on fashion market
and the situation on Kazakhstan market, statistic data of light industry
development of some countries to compare. Beside this, it is proved that of
the discussed problem, novelty of the topic of applying marketing in fashion
brands activity. Solution of those problems in marketing development will
support fashion industry of Kazakhstan to gain world level.


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How to Cite

Мussakhanova Z. M. (2016). Мarketing of fashion industry in Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 114(2). Retrieved from https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/1263