Models of national innovation systems and mechanisms of innovative development in the developed countries


  • D. A. Sadykhanova Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        86 60


national innovation systems, models, international experience, innovative development, innovation, innovation support.


Currently, the development of competitive advantages of Kazakhstan’s
economy in the long term can only be achieved on the basis of the transition
to an innovative economy. A modern innovative economy as the fundamental
basis of formation of national innovation system, which is the basis for the
functioning of the genesis of innovation as a non-uniform, non-linear and multifaceted
process. Activating the innovation process is put into practice through
the formation of national and regional innovation systems, in which the set of
interrelations between various social and economic institutions for the development,
deployment and diffusion of innovations. Innovative system of competitive
countries of the world, for all their differences, are united in one thing: the
process of genesis and implementation of innovation in these countries have
high levels of efficiency and effectiveness. In Kazakhstan, the main elements of
the national innovation system created in the last 10 years, but is dominated by
an outdated idea of the linear model of innovation and an elementary chain to
identify the effects of scientific and technological progress: the cost of science –
the resulting increase in the absolute volume of sales.


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How to Cite

Sadykhanova, D. A. (2016). Models of national innovation systems and mechanisms of innovative development in the developed countries. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 114(2). Retrieved from