Synergetic Management and Its Role in Managing Universities.


  • S. M. Abilov Казахстанско-Американский свободный университет
        109 70


synergetic management, managerial decisions, a synergistic effect of management, management of universities.


In today’s world, more and more emphasis, including the process of university management, is made on the self-governing as the most effective mechanism for organizing activity. Moreover, the process of making management decisions is based on the application of several management methods at the same time. Also, talking about self-government and self-organization implies not only a clear hierarchical control and the spontaneous creation of high-performance systems either. These processes are typical for higher education institutions. Synergetic just assumes the conversion, ordering at the level of self-organizing subsystems due to internal factors of a university, and the entrance from the so-called chaos. However, the achievement of synergetic effect is possible under the coordination of the subsystems and direction on a spontaneous systematization, transformation, and improvement in order to achieve the corresponding effects. Such a university management can be described as a synergetic management.


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How to Cite

Abilov, S. M. (2016). Synergetic Management and Its Role in Managing Universities. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 113(1). Retrieved from