Government Regulations on Innovations


  • S. Kupeshova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        62 37

Кілттік сөздер:

Innovations, innovative actions, innovative policy, new products and technologies, scientific and technological progress.


The given article is devoted to the problems of the governmental regulations of innovative actions. As shows the experience of developed countries the innovative development of country without an interference of the government don’t lead to the expected results, that is why the con-duction and implementation of innovative and investigative policy should remain as the governmental task. The aim of the governmental regulations of innovative activity should become the properly conducted innovative policy. Innovative policy of the state by itself presents the set of forms, methods and directions which influence on the production of new prod-ucts and technologies.

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

1. Financing innovation

2. Review of the international experience of innovative development

