Main features of a Monetary and Credit Policy


  • A. M. Nurgazina Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        35 31

Ключевые слова:

Monetary and credit policy, central bank, money market, inflation, interest rate.


Analysis of the instruments of the monetary and credit policy is presented
in the article. Central banks use these instruments for the purposes
of monetary and credit regulation within the economy in order to provide
stability, efficiency and growth of the local market. Central banks in their
activity choose main priorities of the monetary and credit policy aiming to
establish a price stability, an effective level of money supply and circulation,
as well as a payment system development. Regulation of the financial
system and its participants can be considered as an additional task for the
central banks.
From one hand, if the world market have positive movements, instruments
of the monetary and credit policy issued by the central bank,
stimulate and push the economy to the further growth. From other hand,
in agressive economic environment, these measures support and protect
an internal market from a negative influence arising in present or coming
in future.

Библиографические ссылки

1 UN Report «World Economic Situation and Prospects 2015»
3 IMF Report «World Economic Outlook. October 2016»
6 Monetary and Credit Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2020 approved by the NBK’s Board 24 April 2015 № 67
(with additions).


Как цитировать

Nurgazina, A. M. (2017). Main features of a Monetary and Credit Policy. Вестник КазНУ. Серия Экономическая, 118(6), 226–229. извлечено от