Rating Estimation of the Company’s Competitiveness on the basis of a Normative Model


  • N.T. Sailaubekov Каза­хс­кий­ универ­си­тет­ между­на­род­ных­ отно­ше­ний­ и ми­ровых­ языков­ имени­ Абылай­ хана
  • Sh.G. Jumadilova


competitiveness of the company, rating, financial and eco-nomic status of an oil and gas company, monitoring company’s financial status, analysis of company’s activity.


The article presents a quantitative evaluation of competitiveness of oil and gas company in Kazakhstan. The company’s competitiveness has been estimated by a method of rating their financial and economic sta-tuses. This rating allows to monitor the status of the company in the dy-namics, to compare these dynamics and to determine its competitiveness. The financial and economic stability of the company is a precondition for economic activity. The paper calculates the estimation of competitiveness for oil company of Kazakhstan JSC «KazMunaiGas» Exploration Produc-tion.» Results of this research showed insufficient competitiveness of the company in question. The paper is structured as follows: The technique of rating estimation of the company’s competitiveness is presented, then The rating of competitiveness of the oil company under consideration is calcu-lated, and in the end the appropriate conclusions are made.


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