Current status and prospects of corporate governance in Kazakhstan


  • К.S. Мukhtarova Al-Farabi Kazakh national University
  • М.S. Sayatova Al-Farabi Kazakh national University
        49 44         49 26


CG (corporate governance), stakeholders, transparency, JSC (joint stock company), a coalition of interest groups.


Corporate Governance – is the management of organizational and legal registration of businesses, streamlining the organizational structure, the construction of inter-firm relationships within the company and in accordance with the objectives. The system management of the organization’s corporate culture plays an important role, as a strategic tool to orient the team to achieve their goals. Since the internal characteristics of the corporate culture is difficult measurable, an important issue and the urgent need is to create techniques that allow to identify the main parameters of the current state of corporate culture in the company and the possible directions of change.


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2 Law «On Joint Stock Companies» dated May 13, 2003

3 Karapetyan, D. Corporate Governance: basic concepts and results of research practices / Karapetyan, D., M. Grachev // Management of the company. – 2004. – № 1- p.245Information about the authors Proceedings of the International Conference on Corporate Governance “Corporate governance and the investment climate in Kazakhstan”, 20-21 October 2005, Almaty, Kazakh-stan.

4 Report of the Chairman of the FSA RK Zhamishev BB “The state of corporate governance in Kazakhstan”, p. 1.

5 Resolution of the Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations of March 15, 2004 № 63
