Development strategy of Tax Service of Kazakhstan


  • B. Zh. Ermekbaeva
        66 129


tax system, tax service, state tax policy


The tax system is the main instrument of economic regulation, priori­ tizing social and economic development. State, wisely using the tools of the tax mechanism, changing tax policy, based on the priorities of eco­ nomic development, has the opportunity, how to encourage economic growth, and keep it. State tax regulation affects the formation of a favor­ able business – climate and creates opportunities for innovation. The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan constantly comple­ ments, corrects the tax legislation in order to create a tax system of the international level. Changes in tax laws mainly related to the following areas: a revision of tax rates and tax benefits, changes in the number and types of taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget, the adjustment of the individual parameters of tax control, etc. However, the control system of the tax process virtually unchanged. It is well known that the tax system – an essential element of market rela­ tions, and a lot of it depends on the success of economic reforms in the country.


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How to Cite

Ermekbaeva, B. Z. (2016). Development strategy of Tax Service of Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 107(1). Retrieved from