Sources of formation of financial base Almaty region and its use directions


  • A. N. Zhanbyrbayeva Докторант PhD, Казахский экономический университет им. Т. Рыскулова
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Almaty region, financing, socio-cultural sphere, budget, health, education, culture,


In the Republic of Kazakhstan independently functioning republican budget, local budgets and extra-budgetary funds. In Almaty region are the main sources of funding transfers from the national budget - 76,95%, or more than ¾ of the regional budget. And the largest share in the total amount of expenses occupy costs of socio - cultural sphere. The article devoted the most common issues of financing activities of Almaty region: sources of formation of the financial base of the region and the main directions of the use of funds in the socio-economic development. The largest volumes of finance income in the region is provided by transfers from the national budget. The economic growth has significantly increased funding for socio-economic projects. The largest share in the total costs are expenses for the socio-cultural sphere.


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How to Cite

Zhanbyrbayeva, A. N. (2015). Sources of formation of financial base Almaty region and its use directions. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 101(1), 153–160. Retrieved from