The economy of small and medium business of Almaty: problems and prospects


  • Б. Доскалиева
  • Ф. Шуленбаева
  • А. Дарибаева
  • Е. Каттабеков
        24 164


Modern processes of globalization place new demands on quality parameters
of States in international space. It is necessary to create a competitive
economy that produces products demanded by consumers market. In
this regard, the formation of the business environment is important. The
article presents the trend of economic indicators for the small and medium
business of Almaty in recent years. Of particular interest are the level of
activity and employment in the enterprise, the main sources of funding and
lending business. Programs to assist the segment of small and mediumsized
businesses with modern and popular measures of state support were
considered. Indicators of realization of city development projects were
presented. SWOT-analysis of the market problems of functioning of small
and medium business in Kazakhstan was completed.


