Actual trends of international companies’ strategies development in automotive industry: theory and practice in countries with transition economies.


  • T. S. Shestakova. Алматы менеджмент университет
        33 38


strategic management, company internationalization, multinational enterprise, globalization, automotive industry.


Aim of this article is to highlight the issue of strategies development of international companies in the global market; identify methods and conditions for MNE strategy development in states with transition economies with particular references to automotive sector. There has been a trend of increasing number of multinationals and their representatives in the world; the volume of world trade by 80% is determined by MNE trading. That is why the question of studying the factors, which influence the determination of strategies by MNE to enter the foreign markets is important. Globalization and technological progress have an influence on the activities of international car manufacturers, and significantly affect the strategy of these firms in foreign markets. Due to trends of competition conditions changing on the world market, internationalization theories are changing, and new internationalization theories arise.


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