Basic directions of adjusting of monetary sphere are in conception of development of monetary policy


  • Y. Karibaev Карагандинский государственный университет имени Е.А. Букетова
        54 46


monetary policy, monetary item, turnover, inflation, rate of exchange, monetary politics.


Monetary policy are the elements of single public economic policy that includes social, structural and outwardly­economic politics also. Thus, strategic aim of public money­and­credit policy as major directions of eco­ nomic politics of the state there is providing of effective employment, sta­ bility of prices, strong, long­term economic growth. For the estimation of efficiency of monetary policy indexes must be examined in a dynamics reflecting positive forward realization of monetary policy and growth of her role in an economy. Forming of effective monetary policy supposes a priority entity of monetary policy selection from those that exist: sug­ gestion of money or demand on money, volume and structure of amount of money, coefficients of the money (bank) making of animated cartoon, course of national monetary item volume of credits that get to the partici­ pants of turnover, including, to the bank sector, volume and structure of money earnings and charges of participants of turnover.


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How to Cite

Karibaev, Y. (2016). Basic directions of adjusting of monetary sphere are in conception of development of monetary policy. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 110(4). Retrieved from