Trends in the development of a green economy in the context of globalization


  • A. Y. Yerezhepova
        61 50


Green economy, ecology, governmental programs, green-house gas emissions, investments.


The article deals with tendency of development and role of "green econo¬my" as new form and instrument of preservation of the environment. The tran¬sition to a green economy is the inevitable trend of development, which calls for increased efforts to improve the environmental performance of economies in the all countries of the world. It should be noted that the transition to a "green" growth should take into account national interests and capabilities of individual economies. "Green" protectionism and "green" standards should not become an obstacle to solving the current social and economic problems of economic development, should contribute to and not to oppose the goals of sustainable development of the world economy. Aggravation of environmental problems in developed countries has led to a sharp change of state policy in the field of environmental protection. In this regard, disclosed the direction of the state development programs "green economy", in both devel-oped and developing countries, as in the US, Mexico, South Korea. Considered institutional framework and financial instruments of "green" economy in Kazakhstan - Partnership Program "Green Bridge", the New Economic Policy "Nurly Zhol - way of the future", the Program "Zhasyl Damu".


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2 Приоритеты Концепции перехода Республики Казахстан к устойчивому развитию. - Алматы: De Luxe, 2006. - 42 с.

3 Указ Президента Республики Казахстан «О Концепции по переходу Республики Казахстан к «зеленой экономике» от 30 мая 2013 года № 577. http: //kodeksy

4 Послание Главы государства народу Казахстана «Нурлы жол - путь в будущее». 12.11.2014 г.

5 Отраслевая программа «Жасыл Даму» на 2010-2014 годы. Утверждена постановлением Правительства РК от 10 сентября 2014г.

6 Школьник В. В орбите «зеленых» инициатив.// Деловой Казахстан. 31 марта,2015год.


How to Cite

Yerezhepova, A. Y. (2016). Trends in the development of a green economy in the context of globalization. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 109(3). Retrieved from