Hedging of currency risks in the conditions of devaluation on IFRS


  • A. K. Beysenbaeva
        69 50


Hedging, swap, currency, future, IFRS


Formation of market economy in our country devaluation of national currency and the increasing potential for strengthening of pressure upon tenge, instruments of hedging of currency risks remain unclaimed. Also in article are considered an order of the organization of the accounting of hedging in the conditions of inflation and to use in practice of bank activity, recommendations to develop necessary action are made.


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2 Жуков Е.Ф. Мировой рынок ссудных капиталов.: учебное пособие. - М.: Экономическое образование, 1992. - 224 с.
3 Хеджирование валютных рисков, http://www.msfofm.ni
4 Разъяснение МСФО (IAS) 39 «Финансовые инструменты: признание и оценка» http://www.grossbuh.kz
5 “Kazakhstan looks at hedging against falling oil prices” - http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/850113.shtml


How to Cite

Beysenbaeva, A. K. (2016). Hedging of currency risks in the conditions of devaluation on IFRS. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 109(3). Retrieved from https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/972