Treasures of the world economic theory


  • М.К. Бәйгісиев Әл-Фара­би­ атында­ғы­ Қазақ­ ұлттық­ универ­си­те­ті
  • А.O. Оңдаш­
        51 39


Keynesian, economic theory, political economy, neoclas-sical theory, capital


The article deals with the theory of economic dynamics which are put forward in work of the outstanding scientist – the economist, the classical KeynesianismRoy Forbes Harrod (1900-1978). The urgency and necessity of the logical culmination of the economic theory of the dynamics of R. Harrod justified in his work “Towards a Dynamic Economics” published in 1948. The authors of article attempted for the first time in the state language to show great importance of R. Harrod’s labor in the development of eco-nomic science led him to the global popularity as a leader Keynesian and the founder of the neo-Keynesian theory of the dynamics.


1 Харрод­ Р. К теории эко­номи­чес­кой­ дина­ми­ки­ (класси­ка­ кейнсианс­тва­). – М., 1997. – С. 4-15, 28-39, 48-61. 2 Кейнс­ Дж.М.Общая­ теория заня­тос­ти­, процен­та­ и денег­. – М.:Избр. произ, 1993. – С. 117-123.
3 Hayek F. Full employment at any price. – L., 1975. – P. 73-76.

4 Маршалл­ А. Принци­пы­ эконо­ми­чес­кой­ науки­. – Т. 1. – М., 1993. – C. 81-90.

5 Hicks S.Value and Capital. – Oxford, 1975. – P. 123-127.

6 Тинбер­ген­ Я. O теории «опти­маль­но­го­ строя­». The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. – L., 1998. – C. 323. 7 Калец­кий­ М. Очерк теории роста­ социалис­ти­чес­кой­ эконо­ми­ки­. – М., 1970. – C. 112-115.
8 Смит А. Иссле­до­ва­ние­ о приро­де­ и причи­нах­ бога­тс­тва­ наро­дов­. – М., 1986. – С. 12-13.

9 Вальрас­ Л. O «теории равно­ве­сия­». The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. – L., 1998. – C. 121. 10 Рикар­до­ Д. С.М. – Т. 1. – М., 1955. – C. 33.


How to Cite

Бәйгісиев, М., & Оңдаш­, А. (2016). Treasures of the world economic theory. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 108(2). Retrieved from