Public-private partnerships as a mechanism for fi nancing infrastructure development of higher education institutions of Kazakhstan.


  • А. Е Аn Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        43 104


public-private partnership, government, business, property relations, legal confi rmation,


It is well known that the main objective of any human society is to increase the produced and consumed benefi ts, the amount of requests that each year the population increases, which is typical for almost all spheres of human life and society. The government plays the key role in the establishment, operation and management of the process. Meanwhile, it cannot cover operational and independently solve all the pressing social needs of the population. The article considers interaction of government and business in the context of separation of property rights under the partnership. The author emphasizes the need for the legal recognition of the public-private partnership institution. This article covers issues of the use of public-private partneratsva in education funding for infrastructure renewal higher education institution.


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How to Cite

Аn А. Е. (2015). Public-private partnerships as a mechanism for fi nancing infrastructure development of higher education institutions of Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 102(2), 234–238. Retrieved from