Methodological issues of education system development in Kazakhstan


  • B. Kazbekov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Zh. Kazbekova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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pedagogical problems, multilevel continuous education, self­education and self­development, standards and strategic priorities of education development, measures and mechanisms of education system regulation.


Methodological issues of education system in the light of conducted reforms in Kazakhstan are considered. The evaluation of conducted mea­ sures of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakh­ stan and their conformity with expected results are given. The succession of perspective activities, which are adequate to established situation and which allow to speed up the complex development of country’s education system in accordance with new challenges is suggested.


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2 Казбеков Б.К. Интеграция Казахстана и Центральной Азии в мировую экономику в условиях глобализации. – Алматы: «Дайк -Пресс», 2002.
3 Портер М. Проект «Конкурентоспособность Казахстана: программа достижения диверсификации экономики» Презентация 26 января 2006 г. в г. Астане.


How to Cite

Kazbekov, B., & Kazbekova, Z. (2016). Methodological issues of education system development in Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 108(2/1). Retrieved from