Infl uence of migration on labor market of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


  • A. M. Doszhanova Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті
        710 288


migration, migration policy, labor migration, foreign labor force, work permit, illegal migrants, quota, refugee, labor-migrants,


Republic of Kazakhstan being a migration, emigration and transit migration is located in the center of various migration fl ows. Nowadays migration is an important process that affects the development and stability of the state. Considering that, Government regulation of the migration process is one of the most strategic policies, in this article having reviewed the current situation of migration processes. Diffi cult to manage and un-manage migration processes are enormous challenges to the labor market in Kazakhstan. The fl ows of low-skilled migrants are coming from Central Asia. The illegal migrants through bilateral and multilateral agreements of the Customs Union and European Union have a negative impact on the domestic labor market. Lack of high, proper regulation, will not only affect the system of employment structure, but will also cause imbalance in the social sphere, strengthening national and ethnic confl icts, increasing criminal elements.


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