Introduction of new standards banking supervision – Basel III and its influence on the system of bank management


  • S Kim Новый­ эконо­ми­чес­кий­ универ­си­тет­ им. Т. Рыску­ло­ва
        60 54


Banking Supervision, Basel III, banking risk, risk-manage­ ment, managemen.t


The article considers the process of implementation of banking super­ vision standards – Basel III and its impact on governance in banks in gen­ eral and in particular to a system of risk-management. Under the financial risk is the probability of unforeseen financial losses (loss of profit, income, capital losses, etc.) in a situation of uncertainty for companies and organi­ zations. Demonstrated the main types of innovations: Advanced tools to manage credit risk; new method for calculating regulatory capital, based on a quantitative calculation of risk by the bank already, so-called IRB model; innovations in capital due to operational risk; giving the important role of supervisors; particular attention to information disclosure and trans­ parency of the bank. In the article the author summarizes and analyzes the main approaches to Basel standards, and justified the positive and nega­ tive impact on the banks of the implementation process of Basel III.


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How to Cite

Kim, S. (2016). Introduction of new standards banking supervision – Basel III and its influence on the system of bank management. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 107(1). Retrieved from