Work culture as an institutional factor of increasing productivity


  • G. R. Daulyeva
        56 63


innovative development, work factor, standard of work, labor productivity, human capital, education, organizational culturе, op­portunism.


One of the important factors of performance of innovative develop­ ment of the direction of long-term strategy of development of Kazakhstan is labor productivity. The main sign of modern technological way is in­ tellectuality of work, transformation of information and knowledge to a powerful economic resource. In modern conditions ability of development with rationally high-quality and structural changes is directly connected with non-material forms of public wealth and spheres of formation of the person. Information, knowledge, having turned into the most important resource of modern production, eliminates relevance of not filled natural resources and their export. In the conditions of Kazakhstan labor produc­ tivity, institutional feature and a type of the social labor relations, require­ ments to the labor contents from labor market, influence of the standard of work to economic development, an education role as social institute in formation of the standard of work demand scientific researches.


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How to Cite

Daulyeva, G. R. (2016). Work culture as an institutional factor of increasing productivity. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 107(1). Retrieved from