Development of transport infrastructure in Kazakhstan: problems and prospects


  • Z. B. Ahmetova
  • Z. T. Kozhamkulova
  • N. M. Turlybekova
        74 79


Transport infrastructure, logistics, transit, competitiveness, logistics hub, multiplier effectҢ international shipping.


The article explored the issues of formation of transport infrastructure in Kazakhstan, its role and importance for the economy as a whole, the analysis of the current state of development of transport and logistics struc­ ture of the economy, the relationship between different areas of transport infrastructure. The prospects for the development of related industries in the framework of the development and integration of the infrastructure of the transport system up to 2020 and the Message of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Nurly Jol – The path to the fu­ ture”. Identified the implications of these state programs in the near future.


1 Програм­­ма разви­­тия и ин­тегра­­ции инф­раструк­­ту­ры транспорт­­ной систе­­мы до 2020 года­.

2 Посла­ние­ Прези­ден­та­ РК Н. Назар­баева­ наро­ду­ Каза­х­стана­ «Нұрлы­ жол – Путь в буду­щее­» от 11.11.2014 г. МИА




How to Cite

Ahmetova, Z. B., Kozhamkulova, Z. T., & Turlybekova, N. M. (2016). Development of transport infrastructure in Kazakhstan: problems and prospects. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 107(1). Retrieved from