Confession and estimation of account receivable


  • B. B. Sultanova
  • Zh. A. Abisheva
        50 54


account receivable, confession, estimation, discount from a price and sale, return of the sold commodities, overvalue etc.


Effective control system is needed an account receivable for strength­ ening of the financial state of organization, that, in turn, must assist the height of volume of sales, profit and increase of competitiveness. Realiza­ tion of these tasks is possible only at presence of to the complete, reliable estimation and timely confession in the financial reporting of account re­ ceivable. In the article the order of confession of account receivable, order of estimation of net cost of accounts receivables and reflection of them, is examined on the accounts of record-keeping. Similarly in the article con­ sidered order of reflection on the accounts of record-keeping of discount from a price and from sales, return of the sold commodities and order of processing of primary documents.


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How to Cite

Sultanova, B. B., & Abisheva, Z. A. (2016). Confession and estimation of account receivable. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 107(1). Retrieved from