Problems of realization of the state policy of employment at the local level and their solutions


  • B Izatullaeva Қ.А. Ясауи атында­­ғы Халы­­қа­ра­лық қазақ­-түрік­ универ­­си­те­ті Алма­ты­ мене­дж­мент­ универ­си­те­ті­
  • B Almukhambetova
  • A Sadullaeva
        57 45


employment, public policy, labor market, labor force and unemployment.


In this article the author considers the problem of implementation of the state employment policy at the local level. The notion of employment as a combination of economic and social relations associated with the provision of able-bodied citizens jobs and their participation in economic activities. The authors examined in detail the problems of unemployment and its specific features identified at the local level. Were also analyzed in detail the powers of local authorities to address the problems associated with employment. Were identified and analyzed for the management of local employment, which are currently very topical in view of the fact that in our country the legal regulation of employment is a matter of state and regional management. Local authorities in this matter have limited op­ portunities. In this regard, the conclusion, the authors proposed a range of measures to address the problems identified.


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How to Cite

Izatullaeva, B., Almukhambetova, B., & Sadullaeva, A. (2016). Problems of realization of the state policy of employment at the local level and their solutions. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 107(1). Retrieved from