Effective formation of transport hubs in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • N. A. Tovma
        73 122


hubs, transport, logistics, transportation, infrastructure, in­ vestment, efficiency.


A special role in accelerating the pace of economic growth belongs to the integrated development of transport, is not only an organic part of the national economy, but also an important factor in the further develop­ ment of the country. Given the science-based definition content of the concept of the transport hub in the conditions of implementation of the industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan in the future. To examine and determine the economic, technological, social and organizational fac­ tors that influence the development of hubs. shows the optimum strategy for planning and forecasting of transport hubs of Kazakhstan till 2030 re­ fine indicators of accelerated modernization and diversification of regional transport infrastructure of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Investigated and substantiated risk assessment development and efficient operation of the transport infrastructure of the economy of Kazakhstan in the future. Shows the proposed and the specific model of quality management hub in trans­ port and logistics systems. Recommendations to improve the optimal regu­ lation of transport hubs for the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of realization of industrial and innovative development.


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How to Cite

Tovma, N. A. (2016). Effective formation of transport hubs in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 107(1). Retrieved from https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/892