Purchasing logistics in the sphere of supply of the industrial enterprise in RK


  • K. S. Mukhtarova K.S
  • E. S. Mukhtarov
        55 80


logistics, purchasing logistics, distribution, choice of the supplier, condition of purchases


Logistics – science which subject consists in the organization of ratio­ nal process of advance of goods and services from suppliers of raw materi­ als to consumers, functioning of the sphere of the address of production, goods, services, managements of commodity stocks and provisions, cre­ ations of infrastructure of merchandising. The purchasing logistics is one of the main logistic subsystems. Its common goal can be determined as acquisition of necessary goods of the necessary quality and quantity with delivery in the right place and time from the reliable supplier, with good service and by the favorable price. In article practice of material support of the industrial enterprise is studied showed that most of heads of the en­ terprises are often not familiar with such term as “logistics”, and especially the tools of logistics in the work are used only by units. In article the es­ sence of purchasing logistics and its feature in the Republic of Kazakhstan is considered.


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2 Гаджинс­­кий А.М. Ло­гисти­­ка: учебник­ для выс­ших и средних­ специ­­аль­ных учебных­ заве­­де­ний. – 6-е изд., пе­рераб­.

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3 Мене­­дж­мент орга­­ни­за­ции: учебное­ посо­­бие для подго­­тов­ки к итого­­во­му междис­­цип­ли­нар­но­му экза­­ме­ну профес­­ сиональ­­ной подго­­тов­ки менед­­же­ра / под общ. ред. В.Е. Ланки­­на. – Таган­­рог: ТРТУ, 2006. – 241 с.

4 Осно­­вы логис­­ти­ки: учеб. посо­­бие / под ред. Л.Б. Миро­­ти­на и В.И. Сергеева­. – М.: ИНФРА, 1999. – 198 с. 5 Моде­­ли и мето­­ды теории логис­­ти­ки / под ред. В.С. Луки­­нс­ко­го. – СПб., 2003. – 176 с.

6 Аникин­ Б.Л. Ло­гисти­ка­: учебное­ посо­бие­. – М.: ИНФРА-М, 2001. – 352 с.

7 Логис­ти­ка­: учебное­ посо­бие­ / под ред. Б.А. Аники­на­. – М.: ИНФРА-М, 1999. – 327 с.


How to Cite

Mukhtarova K.S, K. S., & Mukhtarov, E. S. (2016). Purchasing logistics in the sphere of supply of the industrial enterprise in RK. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 107(1). Retrieved from https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/890