Cluster development as the development of the oil and gas sector


  • K Akimbaeva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби Университет «Туран»
  • M Kairbekova
        45 93


cluster, the oil and gas sector, competitiveness, oil industry, oil refining.


In Kazakhstan, still, remains a priority development of the oil business,based on hydrocarbon exports. In this regard, poorly implemented modernization of refineries republic, whereby the bulk of their production is gasoline, diesel and fuel oil, while the oil supplied to overseas factories, through the stages of deep processing. Foreign companies are actively involved in the privatization of the commodity sector of the country, do not participate in the implementation of projects related to the petrochemical industry. The country has almost no effective program linkages between all constituent units of oil and gas production – production, processing, infrastructure and related industries, the use of domestic scientific research, training. Without changing this state, we can not join the leaders as foreign consumers supply large amounts of all hydrocarbon resources will not change direction in the development of raw materials as a particular industry and the entire economy.


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How to Cite

Akimbaeva, K., & Kairbekova, M. (2016). Cluster development as the development of the oil and gas sector. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 107(1). Retrieved from