Prospects of application of the method of real options when evaluating investment projects .


  • Б. К. Казбеков Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        41 101


method of real options,


This article discusses the prospects for applying the method of real options as a more effective method of evaluating investment projects . In particular, the article discusses the main shortcomings of traditional methods of evaluation of investment projects , based on discounted cash flows , provides a definition of real options , a classification real options . Also, the example reveals the prospects of applying the method of real options for evaluation of investment projects .


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How to Cite

Казбеков, Б. К. (2015). Prospects of application of the method of real options when evaluating investment projects . Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 91(3), 70–73. Retrieved from