Problems of development of system of a risk management at the Kazakhstan enterprises


  • Н. Ш. Aльжанова Казахский Национальный Университет им. аль-Фараби
        107 374


risk management, insurance, risk management subsystem, information and logical model of management of risk


Stages and the problems of an establishment of the risk-management system in Kazakhstan are disclosed. New approaches to the defi nition of risk and the principle of construction of a new risk classifi cation are considered. An algorithm of actions regarding an organization of the company risk – management in the management of Kazakhstan's enterprises is devoloped


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3. 3. Карпова Е. А. Управление рисками: учебное пособие. – Челябинск: ЧГАУ, 2003. – 79 с.


How to Cite

Aльжанова Н. Ш. (2015). Problems of development of system of a risk management at the Kazakhstan enterprises. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 92(4), 3–7. Retrieved from