The role of human capital in improving economic growth in the conditions of transitive economy.


  • М. О. Омурбекова Казахский Национальный Университет им. аль-Фараби
        50 31


проблемные вопросы, экономического роста.


The article considers the problem questions of the use of human resources as the main factor of increasing economic growth in the socio - economic reforms in the Kyrgyz Republic.


1. 1 .Uhlenbruck et al., 2000.
2. 2. Easterly, Levine, 2001.
3. 3. Орозбаков С. Развитие от кризиса до кризиса: Сб. ст. об актуальных вопросах экономики Кыргызстана. – Б., 2007.


How to Cite

Омурбекова, М. О. (2015). The role of human capital in improving economic growth in the conditions of transitive economy. Journal of Economic Research &Amp; Business Administration, 90(2), 114–117. Retrieved from